Meadow CreekNews

Business and Bagels Tomorrow!

Filed under Community Interest, Events, Marketing, Social Media on June 12, 2012

As you may or may not know, Meadow Creek hosts a monthly event called Business and Bagels. Business and Bagels is a fun social networking event at Meadow Creek where a topic of interest is introduced, which then leads to a casual round-table discussion. On top of having the opportunity to meet and chat with other small business owners and entrepreneurs, attendees are provided with complimentary food to munch on during the discussion. This is a fun way for everyone to take a short break from the ever-long list of tasks that accompany the daily lives of growing entrepreneurs and small businesses. Business and Bagels is the perfect occasion to sit back, relax, and make connections with others whom you may not otherwise have the chance to meet; and through swapping personal experiences and advice, you will receive information that may prove to be of great value in their current positions.

Wednesday, June 13th (tomorrow) will be the next Business and Bagels event. This time however, Audrey has put Amberle and me in charge of leading the discussion! After a brief conversation, Amberle and I agreed that social media would be an appropriate topic, considering we are both Social Media and Marketing Interns here at Meadow Creek. We also agreed that social media is an interesting topic and an extremely powerful tool in the modern business world. Therefore, we did some research and brainstorming to narrow social media down to a more focused topic, and landed on the idea of advertising versus interacting on social media.

We all know that social media can and should be used as a source of promotion for businesses. However, finding the balance between advertising, and real interaction with customers is a key component to social media success. One of the greatest features of social media is the ability for businesses to interact with their customers in real-time, and one of the biggest mistakes businesses make with social media is simply using it to post special offers and advertise services. Using social media to engage with customers rather than to throw advertisements in their face everyday leads to happier and more loyal customers.

Amberle and I want to see how others feel about these claims. We are curious about the ways people are currently using social media to grow their business, and what they hope to do with social media in the future. We are excited to hear opinions from the Meadow Creek clients and anyone else who joins us. We also hope to hear about additional social media strategies, pros and cons, and anything else that has worked or not worked for you at Business and Bagels tomorrow.

10-11:00am in the 2nd floor Boardroom at Meadow Creek Business Center

See you there!

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