Meadow CreekNews

Our Experience on Business & Bagel’s Radio Show

Filed under Community Interest, Marketing, Social Media on June 18, 2012

This Monday morning marked the debut emergence of Amberle and me on the radio! I arrived at the radio station at 7:45 this morning where Audrey let me in and introduced me to Pam and Rochelle, the stars of Chat With Women Talk Radio. We talked briefly in the moments leading up to the show, which would begin at 8:00, and entered the studio to get seated and prepared for take off.
In the studio was Benny, the man behind the scenes who directs the show, working with Pam and Rochelle and all of their hosts on the Chat With Women network. He’s the one we look to for cues, cut-offs, introductions, interjections, music; you-name-it. So while Audrey got situated in the studio with Benny and found her seat in front of the microphone with her headphones and iPad, I hesitated. Not only was I a little bit nervous to speak candidly on the radio, I was afraid that my unfortunate and not-so-graceful cough that I’ve had for the past week would ruin the show. Therefore, I suggested I stay out of the studio until it was time for my segment with Audrey at the end.

Benny showed me to a small room behind the studio with a window looking into the studio and speakers playing the show so I could listen. The room was filled with little gadgets, switches, and buttons that looked awfully important, and Benny showed me one that I could use, labeled “cue”, to affect the volume of the show in my little private room. I sat back and enjoyed listening to Audrey do her thing, sounding like a natural radio talk show host, and before I knew it, it was my turn to join her in the studio!

I jumped in a seat at the high table next to Audrey, with my face “one fist’s length” from the microphone, and put my headphones on. Rochelle kindly ran and filled a cup of water for me to sip on throughout the segment to calm my cough, and as soon as the music to Short Skirt/Long Jacket by Cake started playing, I knew it was time to go! The time went by faster than I expected as Audrey and I shared a casual conversation talking about my background and what I’ve been working on at Meadow Creek Business Center; and fortunately Amberle joined us shortly after the segment began.
By the end of the segment, after Amberle was introduced, I was holding my breath desperately trying not to cough until the break. Then I remembered when I started coughing hysterically that people could still be watching live on the web video camera! Those viewers are lucky enough to see not only behind the scenes at the radio show, but behind the scenes in between the segments when the talk show hosts really let loose. Radio that can be watched live is almost like reality TV with some parts scripted, some candid, and all together quite an entertaining show.
Afterwards, we debriefed with Pam and Rochelle, discussing what went well, what could be done differently next time, and the ultimate direction we want the show to take for Meadow Creek. Overall, it was an exciting and eye-opening opportunity that I am glad to have taken part in and I’m sure Amberle would say the same.

Unfortunately, I have come accustomed to a life with no traffic in Oklahoma and that did not prepare me for the halting traffic I endured today on my way to the radio show. Instead of letting my frantic anxiety of tardiness get the best of me, I tuned into Audrey’s radio show, Business and Bagels on KKNW 1150 am, and enjoyed the conversation which eased my nerves a little. Not to mention Audrey is a natural on air and that she rocked it today, as I’m sure she will every Monday at 8 am.

When Audrey presented Clara and I with the awesome opportunity to be on her radio show I was not a single bit nervous but as my car got closer to my final destination my heart beat grew faster and I knew it was time to rock and roll. I hustled myself into the building, praying it was the right tower ( I tend to get lost a lot), and waited patiently as the elevator climbed each floor, as I reached my destination the secretary was able to lead me in the right direction and found the studio.

I took one deep breath, and quiet as the night I slipped into the studio where Pam escorted me to my respected spot. I gently put on my head phones, and placed the microphone directly in front of my mouth, now I was ready to join the fun! As I quickly realized radio was not as hectic and stressful as I thought it might be; it was very laid back and a casual experience. Being on the radio isn’t much different than having a conversation with a friend, you just have the added fact that others can listen in on your conversation. I enjoyed the new experience to be live on air and felt honored to be able to express my opinions to all of KKNW listeners.

I can’t wait to see what Audrey has into store for the show in these weeks ahead; I know it will be great whatever it is.

Listen to today’s radio show…

Hope you enjoy it as much as I did!

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