Meadow CreekNews

Meadow Creek Mastermind

Filed under Business Management, Events, Small Business, Strategy on January 12, 2012

This Mastermind is for serious entrepreneurs, professionals and managers/owners of small businesses. This Mastermind will meet monthly and start with a brief meet and greet. We will then talk about a specific business issue and then share with each other our own exprerience or current issues relating to the topic.

Successful entrepreneurs are skilled at surrounding themselves with people vital to the success of their business. Come to the Meadow Creek Mastermind and surround yourself with a group of advisors and contribute as a member of their advisor team as well.

Feel free to bring a brown bag lunch.

There will be time for informal networking after the session.

Attendees can be expected to participate in the group discussion, either as an advisor or one seeking advice or both. You’ll be in the company of people serious about growing their business in 2012.

This is a great opportunity to kick start your business goals for 2012 and keep the pressure up throughout the year.

The speaker will participate as well, offering his comments on the subjects, reflections on his business experience to those seeking advice and offering his own business challenges to break the ice if necessary.

February 17th, 12:00 to 1:30 in the Meadow Creek Board Room

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